JULY 2016 – Redlands Entry Landscape Beautification Project

#3 landscape beautification

On May 17, 2016, City Council awarded the contract for construction of the Redlands Entry Landscape Beautification Project to Clean Cut Landscape, of Clovis, California, in the amount of $1,360,463.90.  Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2016 and is anticipated to be completed in October 2016, barring any unforeseen conditions. General fund dollars generated from the sale of Palmetto Grove will be used to fund the construction of the project.

The Project consists of aesthetic improvements within Caltrans right-of-way at the on ramps and off ramps to Interstate10 in downtown Redlands at Sixth Street, Orange Street and Eureka Street. Project improvements include the construction and installation of monuments, lighting, ornamental fencing, and replanting of existing landscape with drought tolerant varieties.

The Project was designed and will be managed by the City’s Quality of Life Department. The City will be making a concerted effort to minimize disruptions for citizens and businesses in the project area. “No Parking” signs will be posted on streets indicating the dates when work will be occurring and when parking will not be allowed Monday – Friday between 7am and 4pm.